The true is that doing exercises can help better your date. I’ve been depressed for 4-5 days, I was thinking everything is bad, difficult and meaningless. But one day I came to GYM, the date was suddenly different. I could finish any tasks, everything was clearer and easier. I felt happier and more productive. Obviously everything is same, so why I felt different? Because GYM has boosted my mood then my thought was changing accordingly, finally improved my date. How amazing! Now, wake up early and do GYM every day. Let’s go!


I know that 28 is not young anymore, but I need a reset. Time’s been through and I save nothing in mind, empty, aimless. I’d like to take off all responsibilities, just live for me, for at least 2 weeks or more. There are things that I always trust it’s true but now wrong. Because trusting them doesn’t lead to a better me but worse. So, the apparent result is that I need to change my mind. I shall be reprogramming. I love reset and love changing. Prepare for a rest to come.



ACI là gì? Tại sao phải đăng ký ACI?

ACI (Advance Cargo Information) là hồ sơ thông tin điện tử mà Nhà nhập khẩu (Importer) và Nhà xuất khẩu (Shipper) phải đăng ký, khai báo trước khi lô hàng được load lên tàu và hoàn thiện trước khi tàu cập cảng Ai Cập. Đây là qui định bắt buộc của Hải quan Ai Cập cho tất cả lô hàng được nhập vào nước này kể từ 10/2021. Việc thực hiện sẽ thông qua hai Platform: Nafeza và CargoX. Qui trình thực hiện gồm những bước quan trọng sau:

1. Đăng ký số ACID (ACID number)

 Số ACID gồm 19 ký tự, dùng để định danh lô hàng (vd: 4723830432022010106). Số này đại diện cho 01 hồ sơ ACI (ACI filing), tương ứng mỗi lô hàng. Nói cách khác, mỗi lô hàng (mỗi Bill of Lading) cần một số ACID. Importer và Shipper sau đó cần thực hiện các nghĩa vụ của mình để hoàn thiện hồ sơ ACI này.

Bước đầu tiên là đăng ký ACID number, diễn ra trước khi làm hàng để tránh rủi ro lô hàng không được phép nhập vào Ai Cập. Việc xin được số ACID tương tự như xin được Giấy phép nhập khẩu (được áp dụng trước 10/2021). 

 Importer phải có account trên Nafeza, Shipper phải có account trên CargoX. Importer sẽ đăng ký ACID trên Nafeza. Để thực hiện, Importer cần các thông tin sau từ Shipper:

  • CargoX ID: được cấp sau khi Shipper tạo account trên CargoX

          Để có CargoX ID, Shipper đăng ký thông tin lên CargoX Platform ( Hồ sơ cần có: 

  • Foreign Exporter ID (giải thích bên dưới)
  • CargoX account
  • Thanh toán chi phí verify tài khoản và mua gói dịch vụ với CargoX (lưu ý: bắt buộc phải thanh toán từ tài khoản ngân hàng của Shipper để được xác nhận tài khoản)           

      CargoX price: Biểu phí được thông tin trên CargoX Help


  • Foreign Exporter ID (Mã số doanh nghiệp của Shipper): mỗi doanh nghiệp có một mã số duy nhất được cấp bởi Cơ quan có thẩm quyền, thường nằm trong Giấy phép chứng nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp. Mã số hợp pháp có thể được tra cứu trên National Business Registration Portal ( Chuỗi ký tự cần được cung cấp theo cú pháp sau: 
    • 02 ký tự đầu: Mã quốc gia nơi shipper đăng ký, theo ISO-1366-1 (vd: Việt Nam là VN; Germany là DE)
    • 02 ký tự thể hiện loại hình đăng ký (01-Company Registry, 02-VAT)
    • Mã số doanh nghiệp (vd: 1300205060)

        Ví dụ, Foreign Exporter ID: VN-02-1300205060

  • Proforma Invoice: thể hiện đầy đủ thông tin hàng hóa, số lượng, đơn giá,.. của lô hàng.

Sau khi Importer lấy số ACID thành công, Nafeza sẽ thông báo về account CargoX của Shipper.

2. Khai báo 48 tiếng trước khi hàng lên tàu (loaded on board):

Shipper phải cung cấp thông tin (và show trên Bill of Lading) 48 tiếng trước khi hàng lên tàu. Các thông tin yêu cầu:

  • ACID number
  • Importer’s Tax number: mã số thuế của Importer, thường gồm 9 ký tự, được cấp bởi Cục thuế Ai Cập cho các doanh nghiệp đăng ký tại Ai Cập.
  • Foreign Exporter ID

3.     Shipper truyền chứng từ (shipping documents) cho Hải quan Ai Cập trên CargoX:

Việc này cần thực hiện 48 tiếng trước khi tàu cập cảng Ai Cập.Các chứng từ yêu cầu: Bill of Lading, Invoice, Packing list, Certificate of Origin,… và một số chứng từ khách do Hải quan Ai Cập qui định đối với mỗi loại hàng hóa. Đặc biệt, Invoice cần được khai báo đầy đủ thông tin theo form của Nafeza.

Nếu không có số ACID thể hiện trên Bill of Lading 48 tiếng trước khi hàng lên tàu hoặc không truyền shipping documents trên CargoX cho Hải quan Ai Cập trước khi tàu cập cảng thì hàng hóa sẽ không được phép xuống tàu và phải quay về nước xuất. 

Cần hỗ trợ Đăng ký account trên CargoX;

Truyền tải shipping documents cho Hải quan Ai Cập, liên hệ:


        Phone: 0974 915 861

Với 6 năm kinh nghiệm Xuất nhập khẩu, đang thực hiện các lô hàng nhập vào Ai Cập, IB có thể giúp bạn làm quen với qui định mới của Ai Cập và không gặp bất kỳ rủi ro nào cho đến khi Importer nhận được hàng!

Dare to do

I decided to leave my current job, my stable income. For your reference, I am now a sales support, doing what salesman does not want to do. It requires less pressure, acceptable income, but no development. Acceptable is the worst word. For years, I have been too scared to leave it. Now, I can. The more I read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book, the more I am encouraged. Somehow, the book changes me, to make me no longer believe in what I did believe. I told myself that I must to something to prove that I follow what I read. Truth to be told, I do not know what to do next, but I believe that I must stop what’s wasting my time before doing anything else. It might be worse or better. But I am happy at present. I will be at the status of working to study, not for money, and making money work for me. I am more flexible. I will not depend on a basic guarantee that others give me, I will protect me by myself. The feeling of overcoming scare is awesome! It is undeniable fact that you change your thought, your action is changed accordingly. At night, I consider some options I might do after resigning. I contact my friend and a chance comes. I can start my new career with Amazon, working in E-commerce, marketing, customer service as a businessman. How wonderful it is! I can learn, can develop. Of course, the salary is just a half of my current one. It is no problem at all because my friend draws a clear career path, a broad road opened in front of me. I can also have free time for stocks investment. I will catch it!

P/S: For investment, today I can do as Buffet’s, be patient and not scared when others feel scared, because I am holding a good enterprise. And, I am holding a enterprise, not a stock. I believe its business will be profitable in this year. Let’s see.

Sự kết hợp giữa Kế toán và Excel?

Hôm nay mình đọc một bài PR cho Trung tâm dạy Tin học, kế toán. Mình chú ý đến nội dung về lợi ích của kiến thức kế toán kết hợp Excel. Nó giúp Tư vấn xây dựng hệ thống báo cáo tài chính nội bộ, điều này dễ hiểu. Điều làm mình ấn tượng là nó giúp xây dựng hệ thống tự động hóa trong quản trị cho Doanh nghiệp. Ví dụ, đánh giá chiến lược Marketing, thực hiện các nghiệp vụ liên quan tiền lương và ra báo cáo tự động, các công việc liên quan Kiểm soát nội bộ. Người ta có thể dùng VBA để viết tool kế toán trên Excel customized theo từng mục đích. Hiện nay, ngoài excel còn có rất nhiều phần mềm, công cụ để làm các nghiệp vụ trên, mục đích của chúng là tính chính xác và tiết kiệm thời gian, nhưng chi phí đắt đỏ. Mình đang học các khóa kế toán và excel, vừa hay muốn khám phá sự thật của câu chuyện này. Liệu VBA, Excel có ngon bổ rẻ hơn so với SAP, HRM, CRM? Mọi người có nhận định gì về điều này comment bên dưới nhé, mình rất muốn học hỏi thêm.

The first step is always the hardest! My goal in March, 2022 is to take the first step.

February, 2022, I have read a book and practiced for 20 days. I start learning accounting, reading finance books and news everyday. I start to get more logical thought and solution at work. I feel my left brain more intelligent. Many difficult things become simplier. I focus and not waste any moment. I focus on investment. I did achieve a profit of 14% in the last 20 days. It’s just small amount because you know I have not planned any saving before. The best chance comes to me, I found a great broker. But! the bad news is that an asset of 10,000.00 USD is required. So, I crazily think of how to earn more because my monthly 8-to-5 paycheck is just enough for living expenses. Then I sell my old handbag, old clothes but fail. I try to find an online teaching job but I fail to find a customer. A Youtuber said that we could buy bulk and re-sell, but I do not know how it’s especially complicated to me. I have not finished accountant’s courses yet but I have already worried about how to find a part-time job. I upload profile on Upwork today and wait… All needs selling skills. I appease myself that failure in selling is normal, let try again and again, it had better to receive a refuse than giving up. Finally, I’m still worry and a little sad. In my 28 years, there’s a thing giving me a headache. Whenever I try it, I always give up all goals no matter how motivated they’ve been. It’s sale! I try finding out another way not throught selling, but now I’m still here with a sigh. I don’t like meeting people, talking with stranger. I enjoy my freetime with a book or movie, not a journey with freind. I can stay home every day. Unfortunately, it does not fit this era. Can somebody tell me how to do?

Dear Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, I’ll listen to you: Work for learning a thing not for money, observe to see what others can’t see, stay focus, overcome the fear and laziness. I hope with these, I can deal with my chronic headache.


Life is naturally not easy, especially in the pandemic, everything is more difficult, stuck, and uncomfortable. I have met some troubles these days, which makes me unhappy and upset. So, I decided to choose a book about feelings or something relevant to happiness. It’s “Hiểu về trái tim” (Understanding the Heart_The Art of Living in Happiness) by Mr. Thích Minh Niệm. The Author is a Buddhist Monk and he has studied Buddhism for 19 years before writing this book. Chapter 1 makes us understand more about our feelings: Painful, Poor, Hurt, Scared. The mindset of this chapter could change the way you feel and you, therefore, could overcome any difficulty. Painful, Poor, Hurt, Scared are normal feelings in life. So, we shall accept it, enjoy the present. There are people who are extremely happy for just a meal, or that their family overcome an illness. There are people suffering more than you are. Practice the ability to face difficulties, increase your endurance so that you stay calm and strong when troubles come. That is what I have learned. There are more than 50 chapters about Selfishness, Worry, Hesitancy, Listen,.. I’ll share later. Hope you all could feel better and powerful to deal with any situations confronting you.

Learn from Billionaires

Photo by George Milton on

A good way to achieve success is to learn from successful people. There is a series of “A day in the life of” some greatest billionaires by Luxury Zone in Youtube, which is extremely useful for me, especially when it comes to the life of Mr. Warren Buffet and Mr. Bill Gates. Surprisingly, they are each other’s best friend.

From Mr. Warren Buffet, I can learn how to be an investor like him. I admire his investment style and every single investment advice. He spends 80% of time reading, rarely spends time with phone or any unnecessary interactions.
5 newspapers/morning + 500 pages/day (financial statement, books)
The more we read, the more we could avoid impulsive decisions.
Some book titles:
The Wealth of Nations
The Intelligent Investor
Security Analysis

From Mr. Bill Gates, I can learn some healthy habits:
GYM in the morning, Write daily schedule and note ideas in 5 minutes, Read newspapers (New York Times, The Wall Street Journal,…), Write blog to recommend books, Sleep 7 hours, Read 50 books/year (How Asia Works, Upheaval_How Nations cope with crisis and change, Nine pints, A gentleman in Moscow,…)

There are thousands of things about how greatest they are. Learning about them is definitely worthy of the time.

A day of discipline

I had a rough day at work. But somehow, discipline saved my date. Truth to be told, I have spent many bad days letting the upset at work ruin myself. Today is different, so I want to talk about it.

First, what is discipline? There are many ways to explain, I’d like to understand it as the effort to fulfill all self-imposed tasks for every single day. The principle here is not breaking the chain, leaving any day uncompleted.

How did discipline save my night? Last night, troubles were coming at the end of the day together with night meeting, making me exhausted. And when I was on the brink of giving up, discipline told me: “Do not break the chain”, “Try more 10 minutes to watch a Chinese video”, “Take a deep breath”, “Then try more 10 minutes to read the book”, “Oh men, 10 minutes are not enough, I still have question about this book”. Actually, I was in the mood to discover the book which has inspired me recent days. Finally, it turned out to be an effective night.

This morning, something made me unable to stay on the bed for even a second. I worked intensely to complete all personal tasks before 8 AM. After that, I was working from home as usual, a nine-to-five job, which I have been kind of stressful about it recent months . It was likely to be a good day because I did finished the first point effectively, until many things at work went wrong, my colleague even took his anger out on me… But, how weird it was, instead of feeling disappointed, awful, hurt or angry like many days before, I felt like there were other more important things waiting for me. These “other things” are my personal project, my joyfulness when reading a book, learning Chinese and watching my favorite Youtuber. Naturally, I told myself to solve whatever problems arising as soon as possible and kept myself in good mood to do my things later on. I was always in hurry as if I couldn’t stand any second more to put my hands on them. As a result, I had no time for feeling sad, hurt or idle thinking. Having said that, I was still responsible for my tasks at work. The difference is my reaction, removing time of feeling displeased, only keep time of solving problems, finding causes and recording lessons.

Discipline, it is definitely the reason why I could try to make a better night as well as saved my bad day. The only thing I cared about was finishing my personal tasks then enjoying the accomplishment after all. I stared at discipline and ignored other unnecessary things. That’s how it worked.

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