Ginger Tea DAY 4

HOW TO GET OUT OF BORING? Sometimes I am bored, don’t want to do anything, spending the date doing nothing, everything like working, studying, reading,… even my favorites such as watching film, reading story. Someone says that it’s because I do not know what is the meaning of doing these things, or they are soContinue reading “Ginger Tea DAY 4”

Ginger Tea DAY 3

I have ignored many things happenned to me. It’s already become my habit. I even don’t realize it. It’s the way I avoid facing any problems in my life. That maybe the reason why I am empty now. No connection with family or friend, no connection with the real life. I always don’t want toContinue reading “Ginger Tea DAY 3”

Are you planting something today?

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. (Warren Buffett)Hôm nay có bóng râm vì từ lâu đã có người trồng cây. Are you planting something today?It is about a plant literally or something you want to achieve figuratively – your dream. For example, I am plantingContinue reading “Are you planting something today?”

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